Bonnyville, Ab.

Wowie it has been a while since getting a review out! So, sorry about that. It is not that I haven’t been eating them. It was just a fairly busy time of year. Mostly because the weather has just kept holding out. I feel like the winter stopped by for one brief week in October, and then we kinda just returned to late autumn. As such we’ve been able to keep working and this reuben came after a day of working at a beautiful (albeit frozen) provincial park just south of Bonnyville. One of the funny parts about working this late into the season is beginning and ending your day in the darkness. And one of the fun parts about driving through the rural parts of Alberta in late autumn, under the cover of darkness, is you’re bound to see… or not see… some animals. And on this particular day we had a harrowing three moose drive… narrowly missing the first cow. Then having a bit more space in front of a monster Bull. Then easily dodging the napping third. At least we hope he was having a ditch nap…

Anyway, similar to this review, after such a close call, the reuby was an afterthought… was an average to good one though. Crispy where it counted! Nice job Crown and Derby Pub, and to Jordy and Eric for keeping the peepers on the road! 

Seasons greetings and safe driving out there… from the whole team here at Reubenmania. 


Edmonton, Ab.


Edmonton, Ab.