Lethbridge, Ab.

While the playground building season is officially over for me, the work continues to pile on. As such, my Dad came down to visit and help with a mess of projects. We had hoped to get the roof re-done, but with my ability to procrastinate on getting a quote, and the weather turning on us, we had to stick and move. Which led us into Lethbridge on an overcast afternoon to get some supplies and of course a Reuben! Turns out Dad likes Reubens…. Apple doesn’t fall far kinda thing… We pulled into Telegraph Taphouse after Dad did some internet sleuthing to find mention of a Reuben in the comment section of the restaurant’s google maps page. It was a great sandwich, truly one of the best yet as we washed them down with a St. Joe’s Abbey Style Brown Ale. One thing that always takes a Reuben to the next level for me is having a pickle accompanying. Other than chatting about some of the projects we’re completing, we learned that our server, Kitty, also has a blog about how much she hates peanut butter. Unfortunately, I can’t remember what it’s called. Probably cause I love peanut butter. And Reubens. And building with Pops.

Telegragh Taphouse, totally worth a visit!


Medicine Hat, Ab.


Camrose, Ab.