Medicine Hat, Ab.

The Hat came back, or rather I came back to the Hat.. anyway I had some time off and followed the stiff westerly out onto the prairies heading towards Medicine Hat this past week. It was a great couple days with my sis and her family filled with some laughs, some book shopping (I found this pretty amazing/ridiculous, used L. Ron Hubbard set of sci fi books…. You may recognize the author’s name from the totally legit, non science fiction religion called scientology), and of course… a reuby. Matt and I had just gone on an early season kayak through 7 Persons Creek, which is a nice, little, winding stream that moe-sies through the city, and is just long enough, and on this day, cold enough, to build up an appetite for a sando. 

We met up with everyone else and dined at the Copper Leaf Cafe in downtown Medicine Hat. Of note about this lunch, we got the literal last reuben available on the regular menu, as due to a lack of popularity it is being shifted to the weekly “special” rotation. Literally the last one… we had ordered 2 and Matt and I had to split the final one which was then supplemented by a Buffalo Chicken Sandwich (see Matt’s blog “ Sandwich, Buffalo, Bill Please”… very matter-of-fact in my estimation). Feels like a bad choice though as this was a great sandwich, with sharp panini lines housing a splendid reuben! I thought about telling them how serendipitous it was that the last “regular” reuben that they served would soon be reviewed, and could potentially shift calculation for it remaining on the regular menu.  It would be like a… movie, with the last reuben saving the day, starring Ruben Studdard and Simon Cowell as the sandwich.

Anyway,  I thought better of admitting to being an influential reviewer, and thus altering the objective experience… it wasn’t because of the relatively miniscule reach of the review…. Nahhh surely my reviewer's integrity!  

Another good one in Medicine Hat!! But remember, this one only shows up here and there so call ahead!


Pigeon Lake, Ab.


Blairmore, Ab.